The 19th Century Society presents

Date: Sunday, August 23, 2015 4pm

Mark Koltko-Rivera, Ph.D.

Freemasonry in 19th Century
New York:

A True Story of Murder and Resurrection

at The Museum of Interesting Things
Secret Speakeasy

177 Prince Str 6th flr NYC
between thompson & sullivan str.

all tickets also include free entry to
the Secret Speakeasy at 6pm
Tickets $15 in advance & $20 at the door
click here to order


The world’s oldest and largest fraternal organization, the Freemasons, entered the world of 19th century New York as a respected group that claimed many civic, religious, and political leaders among its numbers. By the late 1820s, Freemasonry was in tatters, under accusations of having committed ritual murder in an upstate community; it became the focus of the first single-issue political party in American history, the Anti-Masonic Party. Hounded almost to extinction, Masons regrouped in the 1840s, and began a rise to national prominence resulting in the Age of Fraternalism later in the century, when thousands of Masons marched publicly on the streets of Manhattan at regular intervals, and Masons publicly dedicated the Statue of Liberty and Cleopatra’s Needle. Yet, by the end of the century, the seeds had been sown for the rumors that plague Freemasonry to this day: accusations of devil worship and attempts at world domination.

Dr. Koltko-Rivera will go behind the events to explain the forces behind Masonry’s expansion, persecution, and triumph, in 19th century New York.

Bio: Mark Koltko-Rivera holds a doctoral degree in psychology from NYU. The author of Freemasonry: An Introduction (Tarcher/Penguin, 2011), he is a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason and a Masonic Knight Templar. He has appeared as an authority about Freemasonry on such television shows as Hunting the Lost Symbol, America’s Book of Secrets, Brad Melzer’s Decoded, and Ancient Aliens.